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Following yesterdays post on the Open Content Toolkit I discovered that NASA has posted a massive library of ‘Space Sounds’ on SoundCloud. You are free to use all of these sounds as you wish, because NASA’s own audio isn’t copyrighted. It is meant to be a public service to the American people of their taxpayer-funded government program, but this ‘fair-use’ extends to everyone globally. They do ask you to list NASA as source, but that’s only reasonable. Read their content guidelines for full details.
My favourite are the Apollo Sounds which include the classics ‘Eagle Has Landed, ‘Houston, We've Had a Problem and ‘We Have a Lift-Off’. But here are lots of other great sounds as well including rocket sounds, the chirps of satellites and equipment, lightning on Jupiter and interstellar plasma.
In short a great resource library for anyone interested in space, sound and film editing.
Oh, if you like Space Sounds this TED Talk (from 2011) by Artist-technologist Honor Harger is worth a watch (and a listen) as well...